Charity Begins at Home

Hi, It’s Kathy with a K. Just wanted to let you know about this charity that I am really interested in. Though there are many charity near and dear to my heart, as we have family members who have been diagnosed with some diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes and MS....

The Bait and Switch

My Teenagers are Great at This:  THE BAIT AND SWITCH While researching our brochure for “Learn the Secrets to Picking a Contractor” which is available for download Free on our website, I came across a cute anecdote about pricing and thought it was so true and wanted...

Marketplace Warning about Duct Cleaners – Duct Cleaning Scams

Hi, It’s Kathy with a K at Red River Furnace and Duct Cleaning. This week I heard about the very interesting Marketplace segment regarding scamming Duct Cleaning Companies which was aired on January 15, 2013.  I must see for those thinking about having their...

Welcome to the blog!

Hi, it’s Kathy with a K at Red River Furnace and Duct Cleaning. Welcome one and all to my blog.  I am new to blogging in general so this will be my first go at this. Since I love to talk, as anyone who knows me can attest, I think I can do this blogging thing! I would...